Online Nutritional Consultation

A healthy diet contributes to physical, mental and social well-being and prevents certain conditions and diseases with nutritional implications. Good nutrition brings good health, a healthy life and a healthy mind.


This approach is based on the creation of long-term eating habits, where the way you eat lasts over time, in a conscious and healthy way. Radical and sudden diet changes usually lead to unhealthy results in the short term, with negative consequences and frustrations in the long term.

Changes in eating habits

Eating habits are the behaviors and routines around food and eating. They include what, when and how much we eat, as well as the environment in which we consume our meals. Stress, lack of sleep, lack of time and lifestyle-related changes are some factors that affect them.

For example: Adaptations to eating abroad, home office, anxiety and binge eating, improve your relationship with food and dieting.

Pathologies and conditions

Nutritional treatment plays an important role in the management and treatment of certain pathologies and conditions. It helps to improve symptomatology, reverse certain conditions, improve biochemical parameters and leads to a better quality of life.

For example: Insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver, celiac disease, thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome.

Vegetarians & vegans

A vegetarian diet can provide all the nutrients needed for a healthy, balanced diet, the important thing; like an omnivorous and vegan diet, requires knowledge and planning to ensure all nutritional needs are met.

Healthy eating, plant-based protein sources, key nutrients (calcium, vitamin B12, iron, omega-3), supplementation.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

A healthy diet is essential during pregnancy to support the growth and development of the fetus, as well as to maintain maternal health and enable lactation.

Increased nutritional needs in pregnancy are due to physiological changes in the mother and the metabolic demands of the fetus. Nutritional counseling and interventions should be an integral part of prenatal and pregnancy care to reduce the risk of complications.

Critical nutrients, risky foods, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, breastfeeding.

Nutrition and exercise

Healthy nutrition and physical activity are key lifestyle factors, helping to improve overall health, reduce the risk of metabolic diseases, improve physical and cognitive performance, among other benefits.

Muscle mass gain, body fat loss, supplementation.

Free First Consultation

Free 15-minute video call consultation where you can learn more about the sessions and see which plan best suits your needs and goals.


One-time session

Better nutrition
  • Nutritional interview
  • Objetives approach
  • Meal plan
  • Sample menus & recipes

3 sessions

Better nutrition
  • Nutritional interview
  • Objetives approach
  • Meal plan
  • Sample menus & recipes
  • Doubt resolution
  • Meal plan adjustments
  • Food education

6 sessions

Better nutrition
  • Nutritional interview
  • Objetives apprach
  • Meal plan
  • Sample menus & recipes
  • Doubt resolution
  • Meal plan adjustments
  • Food education


I have been a Dietitian for 10 years, I graduated from the University of Valparaiso, Chile. Since then I have worked as a nutritionist in different types of organizations, such as collective food services, hospitals, providing them with nutritional consultation and advising nursing homes. Since 2020 I live in Germany and dedicate myself to nutritional counseling for those who want to improve their eating habits and lead a fuller and healthier life. Healthy Mind focuses on achieving your goals through individualized nutrition strategies, dietary education and ongoing support toward lifestyle change.


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